You may remember
Naomie Harris from her role as the bad-ass heroine of 2002's runaway horror film,
28 Days Later. Since her dark, zombie-fighting days, Naomie's career has seen the light.

From last year's moderate success,
After The Sunset, with veterans Pierce Brosnan, Woody Harris and Don Cheadle, Naomie Harris is on to uncharted territories in BOTH
Pirates of the Caribbean sequels as Tia Dalma a Jamaican Gypsy.
She's also on-board the highly anticipated Colin Farrell/Jamie Foxx
Miami Vice film as Jamie Foxx's reported love interest.

Along with fellow successful UK actresses Marianne Jean Baptiste, Sohphie Okonedo (both Academy Award nominees) and Thandie Newton, Naomie Harris is just one of several British thespians taking Hollywood by storm.
I wonder what her role will be in Pirates of the caribbean.
Bigup! London is in the building!
If you see 28 days later you will be a big fan of hers like i am.
Every time Naomie Harris acts in a movie, God kills a kitten. Please, somebody - think of the kittens!!!! :p
I loved 28 days later too!!
Check out Naomie Harris
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